Set Your Thermostat to the Best Temperature for Sleep

When summertime rolls around, it can be easy to lose sleep to the heat and night sweats. Why is that, though? Well, it all has to do with the science of sleep.

Why temperature affects our sleep

You see, when we rest, our body temperature actually lowers a little bit.[1] So, having a warmer sleeping environment makes it that much harder to fall asleep. It’s not just the ability to fall (and stay) asleep that temperatures affect, though.

In fact, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep quality can be disrupted by uncomfortable room temperatures, too. Importantly, scientists believe that REM sleep is important for both memory consolidation and brain development. Therefore, reaching that optimal temp is necessary to not just get enough rest, but also to get quality rest.

Ways to manage your bedroom temperature:

  • Thermal Curtains - Blackout curtains that have extra layers to form an air barrier between the window and the room to keep cold air out and warm air in.
  • BedJet 3 Temperature Regulator - Basically an air management system that sits at the foot of your bed, under the covers. This allows you to gently blow warm or cool air into your bed to regulate your sleeping temperature
  • Cooling Sheets - Bed sheets and pillows that are designed with weaves that allow for optimum airflow.

So, just what is the best temperature for sleep?

The answer to that question will vary by individual, as different bodies prefer different temperatures. After all, core body temperatures vary among individuals, and factors like age and sex can influence thermoregulation and temperature preferences as well.

A commonly recommended range is 65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. However, more and more people are beginning to advocate for even colder temperatures, recommending ranges of 60 to 67 degrees for adults.[2,3]


[2]Doheny, K. (2010). Can’t sleep? Adjust the temperature. WebMD. Retrieved from

[3]Drerup, M. (2018). What is the ideal sleeping temperature for my bedroom? Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved from

[1]National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (2019). Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep. Retrieved from

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Kristen Greif

Napper extraordinaire. Side/stomach sleeper. 25 solid years of experience with sleeping.